


Ethical standards for publication exist to ensure high-quality scientific publications, public trust in scientific findings, and that people receive credit for their ideas. IAPAAR is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and abides by its Code of Conduct and aims to adhere to its Best Practice Guidelines.

To ensure fair evaluation process, all the submitted manuscripts undergo single-blind peer review process. The process involves strict measures to prevent

  • Plagiarism
  • Duplicate submissions
  • Redundancy of manuscripts
  • Fabrication of data and Falsification

We firmly encourage original manuscripts and should be a sole contribution from the authors. The submitted manuscript has not been plagiarized wholly or partially from any previously published articles. It has not been published or under consideration for review by any other journal. If any infringement of the above guidelines is found in any submitted manuscripts, it will be subjected to immediate rejection and a ban of twelve months would be imposed on the authors from submitting subsequent manuscripts to any of the journals from IAPAAR regardless with other co-authors who involved or not in the former infringement. The editorial boards of all the journals from IAPAAR will be notified with the obligation. In case of repeated infringement, a ban for life would be imposed on the authors involved in the former infringement from submitting manuscripts in all of the Journals from IAPAAR.

IAPAAR closely suggest authors to declare transparency in any case of duplication and demonstrate significant development in the submitted manuscript than the original article with correct citations. We endorse COPE and ICMJE guidelines to handle the submitted manuscript in case suspected for any duplication or substantial overlap.

It is highly recommended to mention the ethical approvals for animal experimentation, sample collection or trials on humans with their consent. Also maintain transparency to acknowledge competing interest and disclose any partial benefits from individuals in manuscript preparation or funding resources for the research.

If any departures observed from the above mentioned policies, Editors-in-Chief can be notified immediately to resolve the problem.


Editorial policies are subjected to protect and strengthen the journals integrity and quality aiming reader’s interest. In accordance to WAME definitions, IAPAAR provides complete editorial freedom to the Editors-in-Chief with authority to determine journal’s content and does not interfere with any sort of evaluation process of manuscripts.

All the articles are produced with respect to the scope of the journal based on relevancy, integrity, scientific strength, potential interest, completeness, clarity and ethics. Decisions on manuscripts are not affected by the author’s origin, nationality, ethnicity, race, religion or political beliefs. No government policies or agencies away from the journal will determine the decision. Decisions taken are strictly based on the articles validity and importance to the scientific readers.



All journals from IAPAAR operate single blinded peer review system with rapid and thorough process through electronic submissions and communications. In this process the authors names and affiliations will be revealed to the reviewers, while authors are kept blinded from reviewer details.

Initial decisions are held by Editors-in-Chief and submitted manuscripts will undergo unbiased preliminary assessment for the suitability to the scope of the journals. As an extension to the process, the assessed manuscripts are forwarded to at-least two expert reviewers in the field. This is intended to advance the correctness, clarity, and wholeness of manuscripts and help editors to decide whether the manuscript has to be published or not. Reports from at least two reviewers will be taken in to consideration for the decision to accept or reject a manuscript. Editors can give the updated guidance to the reviewers when required. Reviewers are given 3 weeks to send their fair and constructive reviews to Editor, and Editors-in-Chief are aimed to take the final decision within 4 weeks from the manuscript submission.

In case of a negative decision from the editor, authors can challenge the decision with reasonable arguments. At the concerned editor’s discretion, manuscripts will be forwarded to additional reviewers and final decisions will be made in support with their implications.


IAPAAR publishes all its journals in full open access under a Creative Commons (CC BY) license. This allows the scientific community and the general public to gain unlimited, free and immediate access to scholarly articles, and to reuse the content freely provided that proper attribution is given to the original authors.

To cover the cost for providing our high-quality publishing service and free access to readers, authors pay a one-time article publishing charge (APC) of $100 for manuscripts accepted after peer-review. There are no charges for rejected articles, no submission charges, and no surcharges based on the length of an article, figures or supplementary data. Editorial items (Editorials, Corrections, Additions, Retractions, Letters, Comments, etc.) are published free of charge.