International Contemporary Journal of Science Education and Technology: Announcements <p>International Contemporary Journal of Science Education and Technology (ICJSET) is a scholarly peer review international open access journal. It publishes extended full-length research papers that have the scope to substantively address current issues of science, technology and/in education. There is no restriction on the length of the papers relevant to any field of study within education. Submissions that synthesize information from disparate backgrounds, place research findings within a broad context, extend our methodological and theoretical understanding, and have the likelihood of informing education policy and practice, are preferred. The journal publishes quantitative, qualitative and mixed method research papers. <br /><br /></p> <p>The Journal covers the following areas but not limited to:</p> <ul> <li><em>Learning of Science and Technology</em></li> <li><em>Issues and Trends</em> in Science and Technology</li> <li><em>Science/Technology Learning in Everyday Life</em></li> <li><em>Science/Technology Teacher Education</em> </li> <li><em>Science/Technology Education Policy</em> </li> </ul> <p>The Journal Editorial Board invites any manuscript addressing a relevant science education topic that employs an established and recognized scholarly approach and also impacts or is generalizable to national and international populations. Quantitative research reports that employ sophisticated research designs (e.g. MANOVAs linear modeling) and qualitative research reports that rigorously follow naturalistic research methods are preferred. One or two variable tests employing simple inferential statistics (e.g. ANOVA or ANCOVA) and poorly described and argued qualitative research are discouraged. All manuscripts must provide a thorough review of the literature that establishes the research problem or the issue at hand as well as a thorough conclusion that addresses the implications and limitations of the research or argument.</p> en-US